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Works for voice & instruments

Epílogo del misterio / Epilogue of the mistery (1979)
Text by José Bergamín
Mezzosoprano and piano
Premiere: Madrid, 30.4.1988
Recording: LP RCA
Work commissioned by the Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks
Length: 8 min.

Primera antolojía / First anthology (1981)
Texts by Juan Ramón Jiménez
Soprano and piano
Premiere: La Rábida (Huelva), 25.6.1981
Recording: CD Higueras Arte SL (2010) / RNE / TVE
Work commissioned by soprano Ana Higueras
Length: 8 min.
YouTube link

Tres sonetos / Three sonnets (1992)
Texts by Lope de Vega, Luis de Góngora and Francisco de Quevedo
Low voice, clarinet/bass clarinet, violin/viola and piano
Premiere: Hamilton (New York), 9.9.1992
Recording: RNE
Work commissioned by Colgate University (Hamilton, New York)
Length: 16 min.

Tres poemas cantados / Three sung poems (1993)
Texts by Federico García Lorca
Soprano and piano
Premiere: Barcelona, 19.1.1994
Recording: RNE
Length: 12 min.
YouTube link: I. Berceuse for the sleeping mirror; II. Saeta; III. Landscape with two tombs and an Assyrian dog

Canción apócrifa / Apocryphal song (1994)
Text by Antonio Machado
Soprano and piano
Premiere: Soria, 16.9.1994
Recording: RNE
Edition: Unión Musical Española, 1995 ("Leonor's album")
Work commissioned by the Soria Musical Autumn 1994
Length: 4 min.
YouTube link

Cinco canciones amatorias / Five love songs (1994)
On catalan poems of the 14th-16th centuries
Soprano and string orchestra / Soprano and piano / Soprano and string quintet
Premiere: Barcelona, 25.4.1995
Edition: the Unfortunate's song was published in the book "150 years of history (1845-1995)", edited by the "Jaime Balmes" High School in Barcelona.
Work composed in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the "Jaime Balmes" High School in Barcelona
Length: 14 min.

En forma de cuento / In the form of a story (1994)
Text by Rafael Alberti
Contralto and piano
Premiere: San Martín de Valdeiglesias (Madrid), 17.7.1999
Work commissioned by contralto Mabel Perelstein
Length: 5,30 min.

Consonantes y vocales / Consonants and vowels (1995)
Text by Fernando de Rojas
Soprano and pre-recorded tape
Premiere: Madrid, 26.9.1996 (Within the show "The stripe on the water")
Recording: RNE
Length: 6 min.

He was waiting for me to leave (1995)
Text by José Luis Turina
Soprano, alto saxophone and instrumental ensemble ( - - 2 perc - p - sr:
Premiere: Madrid, 26.9.1996 (Within the show "The stripe on the water")
Recording: RNE
Length: 8 min.

Desintegración sintáctica de un soneto de Góngora / Syntactic disintegration of a sonnet by Góngora (1995)
Reciter an instrumental ensemble ( - - 2 perc - p - sr:
Premiere: Madrid, 26.9.1996 (Within the show "The stripe on the water")
Recording: RNE
Length: 6 min.

Vocalise de la guitarra (con algunas consonantes) / Vocalise of the guitar (with some consonants) (1998)
Soprano and piano
Premiere: Madrid, 4.11.1998
Edition: Commemorative edition of the presentation of the Madrid Association of Composers.
Other edition: Volume "New Music for voice and piano". Ed. Pygmalion (Madrid, 2007)
Recording: RNE
Length: 1 min.

Callada partida / Silent leaving (2013)
On a poem by Conchita Colón
Mezzosoprano (or clarinet) piano sextet
Work commissioned by Luis Aguirre for the Sonor Ensemble
Length: 8 min.

Nada te turbe / Let nothing disturb you (2014)
On a poem by Saint Teresa de Jesús
Reciter and piano
Premiere: Alba de Tormes (Salamanca), 7.6.2015
Edition: Enlaces Sonoros SL (Madrid, 2015)
Recording: CD IBS Classical - IBS-62015. Melólogos en honor de Santa Teresa, 2015
Work composed in commemoration of the 5th Centenary of the birth of Saint Teresa
Length: 8 min.

Cinco canciones verdes / Five green songs (2016)
On poems by Safo, Catulo, Delmira Agustini, Rainer María Rilke and Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli
Soprano and piano
Premiere: Santiago de Compostela, 21.10.2017
Length: 14 min.

Salomé, cáliz vacío / Salomé, empty chalice (2016)
On poems by Delmira Agustini, texts by Oscar Wilde and excerpts from Salome by Richard Strauss
Soprano/actress and piano/actor
Premiere: Madrid, 30.09.2018
Length: 13 min.

Soneto Quasi una Fantasia / Sonnet Quasi una Fantasia (2017)
On the sonnet "To Beethoven" by Gerardo Diego
Soprano and piano
Premiere: Santander, 17.10.2017
Length: 5 min.

En la fronda del tiempo / In the frond of time (2019)
On a poem by Luciano González Sarmiento
Recitation and flute
Premiere: Santander, 4.6.2022
Length: 5 min.

Pregón / Street cry (2020)
On poems by Fernando Villalón and Manuel Machado
Soprano and piano
Premiere: Bilbao, 29.3.2023
Length: 3 min.

Canciones lóbregas / Seamy songs (2020)
On poems by Georg Trakl, Charles Baudelaire and Edgar Allan Poe
Low voice and piano
Length: 11 min.