Composed in September 1994 at the request of Gabriel Estarellas, to whom it is dedicated, this Preludio sobreesdrújulo proposes a continuous alternation between an idea formed by brief periods of a uniform rhythm of eighth notes, systematically accentuated on the antepenultimate note -hence the adjective "sobreesdrújulo (preproparoxytone)" that qualifies the prelude-, always very ornamented with all kinds of arpeggiated formulas, of great technical difficulty, and five brief sections in which the thematic material, different in all of them, is based on the octave, in the first one, the major seventh and the minor second, in the second one, the minor seventh and the minor second, in the third one, and so on, until both ideas converge in the tritone interval at the end of the piece.
The premiere of the Preludio sobreesdrújulo took place on May 11, 1995 at the French Institute in Madrid, naturally by Gabriel Estarellas, who also starred its recording within the CD "Preludes for guitar", released in 2016 by the label La Cúpula Music.